Saturday, December 5, 2009

THE EAGLE AND THE CONDOR: Application of International Indigenous Principles to Halt the United States Border Wall

The Eagle and the Condor of the Western Hemisphere: Application of International Indigenous Principles to Halt the United States Border Wall by Angelique EagleWoman

This article will discuss the interrelationship of the indigenous peoples in the Western Hemisphere regarding the proposed expansion of the United States southern border wall. This discussion will explore (1) the historical relationships in the Western Hemisphere, (2) the efforts on the international level to bring attention to the quality of life experienced by the indigenous peoples in this hemisphere, (3) the impact of the proposed United States border wall on indigenous communities in the political border region, and (4) application of international indigenous principles to halt further construction of the United States border wall.

Keywords: Indigenous, International Human Rights, Tribes, Border, United States Foreign Policy